torment.fixtures — Torment Fixtures


class torment.fixtures.Fixture(context: 'torment.TestContext') → None[source]

Collection of data and actions for a particular test case.

Intended as a base class for custom fixtures. Fixture provides an API that simplifies writing scalable test cases.

Creating Fixture objects is broken into two parts. This keeps the logic for a class of test cases separate from the data for particular cases while allowing re-use of the data provided by a fixture.

The first part of Fixture object creation is crafting a proper subclass that implements the necessary actions:

__init__:pre-data population initialization
Initialize:post-data population initialization
Setup:pre-run setup
Run:REQUIRED—run code under test
Check:verify results of run


initialize is run during __init__ and setup is run after; otherwise, they serve the same function. The split allows different actions to occur in different areas of the class heirarchy and generally isn’t necessary.

By default all actions are noops and simply do nothing but run is required. These actions allow complex class hierarchies to provide nuanced testing behavior. For example, Fixture provides the absolute bare minimum to test any Fixture and no more. By adding a set of subclasses, common initialization and checks can be performed at one layer while specific run decisions and checks can happen at a lower layer.

The second part of Fixture object creation is crafting the data. Tying data to a Fixture class should be done with torment.fixtures.register. It provides a declarative interface that binds a dictionary to a Fixture (keys of dictionary become Fixture properties). torment.fixtures.register creates a subclass that the rest of the torment knows how to transform into test cases that are compatible with nose.


Simplest Fixture subclass:

class MyFixture(Fixture):

Of course, to be useful the Fixture needs definitions of setup, run, and check that actually test the code we’re interested in checking:

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

class AddFixture(Fixture):
    def run(self):
        self.result = add(self.parameters['x'], self.parameters['y'])

    def check(self):
        self.context.assertEqual(self.result, self.expected)

This fixture uses a couple of conventions (not requirements):

  1. self.parameters as a dictionary of parameter names to values
  2. self.expected as the value we expect as a result
  3. self.result as the holder inside the fixture between run and check

This show-cases the ridiculity of using this testing framework for simple functions that have few cases that require testing. This framework is designed to allow many cases to be easily and declaritively defined.

The last component required to get these fixtures to actually run is hooking them together with a context:

from torment import contexts

class AddUnitTest(contexts.TestContext, metaclass = contexts.MetaContext):
    fixture_classes = (

The context that wraps a Fixture subclass should eventually inherit from TestContext (which inherits from unittest.TestCase and provides its assert methods). In order for nose to find and execute this TestContext, it must have a name that contains Test.


  • category
  • description (override)
  • name (do not override)

Methods To Override

  • __init__
  • check
  • initialize
  • run (required)
  • setup

Instance Variables

Context:the torment.TestContext this case is running in which provides the assertion methods of unittest.TestCase.

Fixture’s category (the containing testing module name)


check() → None[source]

Check that run ran as expected.


Override as necessary. Default provided so re-defenition is not necessary.

Called after run and should be used to verify that run performed the expected actions.


Test name in nose output (intended to be overridden).

initialize() → None[source]

Post-data population initialization hook.


Override as necessary. Default provided so re-defenition is not necessary.

Called during __init__ and after properties have been populated by torment.fixtures.register.


Method name in nose runtime.

setup() → None[source]

Pre-run initialization hook.


Override as necessary. Default provided so re-defenition is not necessary.

Called after properties have been populated by torment.fixtures.register.


torment.fixtures.register(namespace, base_classes: typing.Tuple, properties: typing.Dict) → None[source]

Register a Fixture class in namespace with the given properties.

Creates a Fixture class (not object) and inserts it into the provided namespace. The properties is a dict but allows functions to reference other properties and acts like a small DSL (domain specific language). This is really just a declarative way to compose data about a test fixture and make it repeatable.

Files calling this function are expected to house one or more Fixtures and have a name that ends with a UUID without its hyphens. For example: This UUID is used to uniquely track the Fixture through the test suite and allow Fixtures to scale without concern.


Namespace:dictionary to insert the generated class into
Base_classes:list of classes the new class should inherit
Properties:dictionary of properties with their values

Properties can have the following forms:

Functions:invoked with the Fixture as it’s argument
Classes:instantiated without any arguments (unless it subclasses torment.fixtures.Fixture in which case it’s passed context)
Literals:any standard python type (i.e. int, str, dict)


function execution may error (this will be emitted as a logging event). functions will continually be tried until they resolve or the same set of functions is continually erroring. These functions that failed to resolve are left in tact for later processing.

Properties by the following names also have defined behavior:

Description:added to the Fixture’s description as an addendum
Error:must be a dictionary with three keys: :class: class to instantiate (usually an exception) :args: arguments to pass to class initialization :kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to class initialization
Mocks:dictionary mapping mock symbols to corresponding values

Properties by the following names are reserved and should not be used:

  • name