Source code for torment.fixtures

# Copyright 2015 Alex Brandt
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys
import typing  # noqa (use mypy typing)
import uuid

from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

from torment import decorators

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Fixture(object): '''Collection of data and actions for a particular test case. Intended as a base class for custom fixtures. Fixture provides an API that simplifies writing scalable test cases. Creating Fixture objects is broken into two parts. This keeps the logic for a class of test cases separate from the data for particular cases while allowing re-use of the data provided by a fixture. The first part of Fixture object creation is crafting a proper subclass that implements the necessary actions: :``__init__``: pre-data population initialization :``initialize``: post-data population initialization :``setup``: pre-run setup :``run``: REQUIRED—run code under test :``check``: verify results of run .. note:: ``initialize`` is run during ``__init__`` and setup is run after; otherwise, they serve the same function. The split allows different actions to occur in different areas of the class heirarchy and generally isn't necessary. By default all actions are noops and simply do nothing but run is required. These actions allow complex class hierarchies to provide nuanced testing behavior. For example, Fixture provides the absolute bare minimum to test any Fixture and no more. By adding a set of subclasses, common initialization and checks can be performed at one layer while specific run decisions and checks can happen at a lower layer. The second part of Fixture object creation is crafting the data. Tying data to a Fixture class should be done with ``torment.fixtures.register``. It provides a declarative interface that binds a dictionary to a Fixture (keys of dictionary become Fixture properties). ``torment.fixtures.register`` creates a subclass that the rest of the torment knows how to transform into test cases that are compatible with nose. **Examples** Simplest Fixture subclass: .. code-block:: python class MyFixture(Fixture): pass Of course, to be useful the Fixture needs definitions of setup, run, and check that actually test the code we're interested in checking: .. code-block:: python def add(x, y): return x + y class AddFixture(Fixture): def run(self): self.result = add(self.parameters['x'], self.parameters['y']) def check(self): self.context.assertEqual(self.result, self.expected) This fixture uses a couple of conventions (not requirements): #. ``self.parameters`` as a dictionary of parameter names to values #. ``self.expected`` as the value we expect as a result #. ``self.result`` as the holder inside the fixture between ``run`` and ``check`` This show-cases the ridiculity of using this testing framework for simple functions that have few cases that require testing. This framework is designed to allow many cases to be easily and declaritively defined. The last component required to get these fixtures to actually run is hooking them together with a context: .. code-block:: python from torment import contexts class AddUnitTest(contexts.TestContext, metaclass = contexts.MetaContext): fixture_classes = ( MyFixture, AddFixture, ) The context that wraps a Fixture subclass should eventually inherit from TestContext (which inherits from ``unittest.TestCase`` and provides its assert methods). In order for nose to find and execute this ``TestContext``, it must have a name that contains Test. **Properties** * ``category`` * ``description`` (override) * ``name`` (do **not** override) **Methods To Override** * ``__init__`` * ``check`` * ``initialize`` * ``run (required)`` * ``setup`` **Instance Variables** :``context``: the ``torment.TestContext`` this case is running in which provides the assertion methods of ``unittest.TestCase``. ''' def __init__(self, context: 'torment.TestContext') -> None: '''Create Fixture Initializes the Fixture's context (can be changed like any other property). **Parameters** :``context``: a subclass of ``torment.TestContext`` that provides assertion methods and any other environmental information for this test case ''' self.context = context @property def category(self) -> str: '''Fixture's category (the containing testing module name) **Examples** :module: test_torment.test_unit.test_fixtures.fixture_a44bc6dda6654b1395a8c2cbd55d964d :category: fixtures ''' logger.debug('dir(self.__module__): %s', dir(self.__module__)) return self.__module__.__name__.rsplit('.', 2)[-2].replace('test_', '') @property def description(self) -> str: '''Test name in nose output (intended to be overridden).''' return '{0.uuid.hex}—{1}'.format(self, self.context.module) @property def name(self) -> str: '''Method name in nose runtime.''' return 'test_' + self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: '''Post-data population initialization hook. .. note:: Override as necessary. Default provided so re-defenition is not necessary. Called during ``__init__`` and after properties have been populated by ``torment.fixtures.register``. ''' pass
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: '''Pre-run initialization hook. .. note:: Override as necessary. Default provided so re-defenition is not necessary. Called after properties have been populated by ``torment.fixtures.register``. ''' pass
[docs] def check(self) -> None: '''Check that run ran as expected. .. note:: Override as necessary. Default provided so re-defenition is not necessary. Called after ``run`` and should be used to verify that run performed the expected actions. ''' pass
def _execute(self) -> None: '''Run Fixture actions (setup, run, check). Core test loop for Fixture. Executes setup, run, and check in order. ''' if hasattr(self, '_last_resolver_exception'): logger.warning('last exception from %s.%s:', self.__class__.__name__, self._last_resolver_exception[0], exc_info = self._last_resolver_exception[1]) self.setup() self.check()
class ErrorFixture(Fixture): '''Common error checking for Fixture. Intended as a mixin when registering a new Fixture (via register) that will check an error case (one throwing an exception). **Examples** Using the AddFixture from the Examples in Fixture, we can create a Fixture that handles (an obviously contrived) exception by either crafting a new Fixture object or invoking register with the appropriate base classes. New Fixture Object: .. code-block:: python class ErrorAddFixture(ErrorFixture, AddFixture): pass Via call to register: .. code-block:: python register(globals(), ( ErrorFixture, AddFixture, ), { … }) ''' @property def description(self) -> str: '''Test name in nose output (adds error reason as result portion).''' return super().description + ' → {0.error}'.format(self) def run(self) -> None: '''Calls sibling with exception expectation.''' with self.context.assertRaises(self.error.__class__) as error: super().run() self.exception = error.exception @decorators.log def of(fixture_classes: Iterable[type], context: Union[None, 'torment.TestContext'] = None) -> Iterable['torment.fixtures.Fixture']: '''Obtain all Fixture objects of the provided classes. **Parameters** :``fixture_classes``: classes inheriting from ``torment.fixtures.Fixture`` :``context``: a ``torment.TestContext`` to initialize Fixtures with **Return Value(s)** Instantiated ``torment.fixtures.Fixture`` objects for each individual fixture class that inherits from one of the provided classes. ''' classes = list(copy.copy(fixture_classes)) fixtures = [] # type: Iterable[torment.fixtures.Fixture] while len(classes): current = classes.pop() subclasses = current.__subclasses__() if len(subclasses): classes.extend(subclasses) elif current not in fixture_classes: fixtures.append(current(context)) return fixtures
[docs]def register(namespace, base_classes: Tuple[type], properties: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: '''Register a Fixture class in namespace with the given properties. Creates a Fixture class (not object) and inserts it into the provided namespace. The properties is a dict but allows functions to reference other properties and acts like a small DSL (domain specific language). This is really just a declarative way to compose data about a test fixture and make it repeatable. Files calling this function are expected to house one or more Fixtures and have a name that ends with a UUID without its hyphens. For example: This UUID is used to uniquely track the Fixture through the test suite and allow Fixtures to scale without concern. **Parameters** :``namespace``: dictionary to insert the generated class into :``base_classes``: list of classes the new class should inherit :``properties``: dictionary of properties with their values Properties can have the following forms: :functions: invoked with the Fixture as it's argument :classes: instantiated without any arguments (unless it subclasses ``torment.fixtures.Fixture`` in which case it's passed context) :literals: any standard python type (i.e. int, str, dict) .. note:: function execution may error (this will be emitted as a logging event). functions will continually be tried until they resolve or the same set of functions is continually erroring. These functions that failed to resolve are left in tact for later processing. Properties by the following names also have defined behavior: :description: added to the Fixture's description as an addendum :error: must be a dictionary with three keys: :class: class to instantiate (usually an exception) :args: arguments to pass to class initialization :kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to class initialization :mocks: dictionary mapping mock symbols to corresponding values Properties by the following names are reserved and should not be used: * name ''' # ensure we have a clean copy of the data # and won't stomp on re-uses elsewhere in # someone's code props = copy.deepcopy(properties) desc = props.pop('description', None) # type: Union[str, None] caller_frame = inspect.stack()[1] caller_file = caller_frame[1] caller_module = inspect.getmodule(caller_frame[0]) my_uuid = uuid.UUID(os.path.basename(caller_file).replace('.py', '').rsplit('_', 1)[-1]) class_name = _unique_class_name(namespace, my_uuid) @property def description(self) -> str: _ = super(self.__class__, self).description if desc is not None: _ += '—' + desc return _ def __init__(self, context: 'torment.TestContext') -> None: super(self.__class__, self).__init__(context) functions = {} for name, value in props.items(): if name == 'error': self.error = value['class'](*value.get('args', ()), **value.get('kwargs', {})) continue if inspect.isclass(value): if issubclass(value, Fixture): value = value(self.context) else: value = value() if inspect.isfunction(value): functions[name] = value continue setattr(self, name, value) _resolve_functions(functions, self) self.initialize() def setup(self) -> None: if hasattr(self, 'mocks'): logger.debug('self.mocks: %s', self.mocks) for mock_symbol, mock_result in self.mocks.items(): if _find_mocker(mock_symbol, self.context)(): _prepare_mock(self.context, mock_symbol, **mock_result) super(self.__class__, self).setup() namespace[class_name] = type(class_name, base_classes, { 'description': description, '__init__': __init__, '__module__': caller_module, 'setup': setup, 'uuid': my_uuid, })
def _prepare_mock(context: 'torment.contexts.TestContext', symbol: str, return_value = None, side_effect = None) -> None: '''Sets return value or side effect of symbol's mock in context. .. seealso:: :py:func:`_find_mocker` **Parameters** :``context``: the search context :``symbol``: the symbol to be located :``return_value``: pass through to mock ``return_value`` :``side_effect``: pass through to mock ``side_effect`` ''' methods = symbol.split('.') index = len(methods) mock = None while index > 0: name = 'mocked_' + '_'.join(methods[:index]).lower() logger.debug('name: %s', name) if hasattr(context, name): mock = getattr(context, name) break index -= 1 logger.debug('mock: %s', mock) if mock is not None: mock = functools.reduce(getattr, methods[index:], mock) logger.debug('mock: %s', mock) if return_value is not None: mock.return_value = return_value if side_effect is not None: mock.side_effect = side_effect mock.reset_mock() def _find_mocker(symbol: str, context: 'torment.contexts.TestContext') -> Callable[[], bool]: '''Find method within the context that mocks symbol. Given a symbol (i.e. ``tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient.fetch``), find the shortest ``mock_`` method that resembles the symbol. Resembles means the lowercased and periods replaced with underscores. If no match is found, a dummy function (only returns False) is returned. **Parameters** :``symbol``: the symbol to be located :``context``: the search context **Return Value(s)** The method used to mock the symbol. **Examples** Assuming the symbol is ``tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient.fetch``, the first of the following methods would be returned: * ``mock_tornado`` * ``mock_tornado_httpclient`` * ``mock_tornado_httpclient_asynchttpclient`` * ``mock_tornado_httpclient_asynchttpclient_fetch`` ''' components = [] method = None for component in symbol.split('.'): components.append(component.lower()) name = '_'.join([ 'mock' ] + components) if hasattr(context, name): method = getattr(context, name) break if method is None: logger.warn('no mocker for %s', symbol) def noop(*args, **kwargs): return False method = noop return method def _resolve_functions(functions: Dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]], fixture: Fixture) -> None: '''Apply functions and collect values as properties on fixture. Call functions and apply their values as properteis on fixture. Functions will continue to get applied until no more functions resolve. All unresolved functions are logged and the last exception to have occurred is also logged. This function does not return but adds the results to fixture directly. **Parameters** :``functions``: dict mapping function names (property names) to callable functions :``fixture``: Fixture to add values to ''' exc_info = last_function = None function_count = float('inf') while function_count > len(functions): function_count = len(functions) for name, function in copy.copy(functions).items(): try: setattr(fixture, name, copy.deepcopy(function(fixture))) del functions[name] except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() logger.debug('name: %s', name) logger.debug('exc_info: %s', exc_info) last_function = name if len(functions): logger.warning('unprocessed Fixture properties: %s', ','.join(functions.keys())) logger.warning('last exception from %s.%s:',, last_function, exc_info = exc_info) setattr(fixture, '_last_resolver_exception', ( last_function, exc_info, )) for name, function in copy.copy(functions).items(): setattr(fixture, name, function) def _unique_class_name(namespace: Dict[str, Any], uuid: uuid.UUID) -> str: '''Generate unique to namespace name for a class using uuid. **Parameters** :``namespace``: the namespace to verify uniqueness against :``uuid``: the "unique" portion of the name **Return Value(s)** A unique string (in namespace) using uuid. ''' count = 0 name = original_name = 'f_' + uuid.hex while name in namespace: count += 1 name = original_name + '_' + str(count) return name