
Torment is scalable testing fixtures.

Getting Started

Torment has many options to generate fixtures to fit your testing needs.

Multiple fixtures with the different data:

register(globals(), ( RequestFixture, ), {...})

Multiple fixtures using the same data (the runtime changes the behavior of the test):

p = {...}

register(globals(), ( WriteFixture, ), p)
regsiter(globals(), ( ReadFixture, ), p)

Multiple fixtures using dynamic data:

for a in fixtures.of(( AccountModelFixture, )):
    register(globals(), ( RequestFixture, ), {
        'account': a,

Automatic mocking via the fixture data:

   p = {
       'mocks': {
           'mymodule.myfunc': {
               'return_value': True,

* ``mocked_mymodule.myfunc`` is available in your tests and returns True

Torment Usage

In order to work as expected, Torment is based on a series of rules. The minimum requirements to get started are listed below.

  1. A filename with the following format: [descriptive-statement]_{UUID}.py

    • Where are these files located?

      • These can be located anywhere you would like. In source, out of source, whatever is desired. Normally alongside other tests.
    • How do I load these files?

      • torment.helpers.import_directory recursively loads python modules in a directory:

        helpers.import_directory(__name__, os.path.dirname(__file__))
  2. The newly created file must contain at least one register to build a testcase

    • torment.fixtures.register associates runtime with data, in other words it puts the data & class together
  3. The register requires a FixtureClass (type is defined elsewhere)

    • What kind of class?
      • Must be a subclass of torment.fixtures.Fixture
    • Where do I define it?
      • There are no restrictions on where you define
  4. A FixtureClass requires a TestContext

    • What goes into TestContext class, etc?

      • TestContext specifies which fixtures it should test:

        class HelperUnitTest(TestContext, metaclass = contexts.MetaContext):
            fixture_classes = (
    • Why do I have to set my metaclass to metacontext?

      • The metacontext turns fixtures into test methods


A metaclass is the object that specifies how a class is created. torment.contexts.MetaContext is a metaclass we created to build TestContext classes.

If you are unfamiliar with metaclasses, it is highly recommended that you read the offical Python documentation here before getting started. For a quick primer refer to Jake Vanderplas’ blog post from 2012.