Source code for torment.contexts

# Copyright 2015 Alex Brandt
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import unittest
import unittest.mock
import re
import logging
import typing  # noqa (use mypy typing)
import warnings

from typing import Any
from typing import Callable

from torment import decorators
from torment import fixtures

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _module(self) -> str:
    '''Actual module name corresponding to this context's testing module.'''

    return re.sub(r'\.[^.]+', '', self.__module__.replace('test_', ''), 1)

[docs]class MetaContext(type): '''``torment.TestContext`` class creator. Generates all testing methods that correspond with the fixtures associated with a ``torment.TestContext``. Also updates the definitions of ``mocks_mask`` and ``mocks`` to include the union of all involved classes in the creation process (all parent classes and the class being created). When creating a ``torment.TestContext`` subclass, ensure you specify this class as its metaclass to automatically generate test cases based on its ``fixture_classes`` property. ''' module = _module def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct) -> None: super(MetaContext, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct) cls.mocks_mask = set().union(getattr(cls, 'mocks_mask', set()), *[ getattr(base, 'mocks_mask', set()) for base in bases ]) cls.mocks = set().union(getattr(cls, 'mocks', set()), *[ getattr(base, 'mocks', set()) for base in bases ]) cls.docker_compose_services = set().union(getattr(cls, 'docker_compose_services', set()), *[ getattr(base, 'docker_compose_services', set()) for base in bases ]) def generate_case(fixture: fixtures.Fixture) -> Callable[[Any], None]: '''Generate a ``unittest.TestCase`` compatible test method. Parameters ---------- :``fixture``: the fixture to transform into a ``unittest.TestCase`` compatible test method Return Value(s) --------------- An acceptable method that nose will execute as a test case. ''' def case(self) -> None: fixture.context = self fixture._execute() case.__name__ = case.__doc__ = fixture.description if len(cls.mocks_mask): case.__doc__ += '—unmocked:' + ','.join(sorted(cls.mocks_mask)) return case if not hasattr(cls, 'fixture_classes'): warnings.warn('type object \'{0}\' has no attribute \'fixture_classes\'') else: for fixture in fixtures.of(cls.fixture_classes, context = cls): _ = generate_case(fixture) setattr(cls, _.__name__, _)
[docs]class TestContext(unittest.TestCase): '''Environment for Fixture execution. Provides convenience methods indicating the environment a Fixture is executing in. This includes a references to the real module corresponding to the context's testing module as well as a housing for the assertion methods. Inherits most of its functionality from ``unittest.TestCase`` with a couple of additions. TestContext does extend setUp. When used in conjunction with ``torment.MetaContext``, the ``fixture_classes`` property must be an iterable of subclasses of ``torment.fixtures.Fixture``. **Properties** * ``module`` **Public Methods** * ``patch`` **Class Variables** :``mocks_mask``: set of mocks to mask from being mocked :``mocks``: set of mocks this TestContext provides ''' mocks_mask = set() # type: Set[str] mocks = set() # type: Set[str] module = _module def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() logger.debug('self.__class__.mocks_mask: %s', self.__class__.mocks_mask) logger.debug('self.__class__.mocks: %s', self.__class__.mocks) @decorators.log
[docs] def patch(self, name: str, relative: bool = True) -> None: '''Patch name with mock in actual module. Sets up mock objects for the given symbol in the actual module corresponding to this context's testing module. **Parameters** :``name``: the symbol to mock—must exist in the actual module under test :``relative``: prefix actual module corresponding to this context's testing module to the given symbol to patch ''' prefix = '' if relative: prefix = self.module + '.' logger.debug('prefix: %s', prefix) _ = unittest.mock.patch(prefix + name) setattr(self, 'mocked_' + name.replace('.', '_').strip('_'), _.start()) self.addCleanup(_.stop)